HI Experts,
I am currently working on B2B ADDON project.
In my project we have 100+ custom bic maps are there. In my point of view custom bics means there are 2 types.
1. Customized EDI BIC (enhancing existing seeburger bic map)
2. Completely CUSTOM BIC map.
Before directly working on completely custom BIC I want to do a small POC Scenario for below HEADER, BODY, FOOTER which is a simple file.
I want to convert this flat file to XML using Plain to XML conversion using B2B Cockpit.
Once it is done then I will go for original Custom BICs.
Please find my below flat file.
I have declared all Plain B2B tables and read all configuration guides but none of the SDN links or Help.sAP doesnt give with clear example with simple scenario like above.
I want to learn thumb rule or guide lines how to declare XML tags in the B2B_PLA_CTRL_MSG table.
As per my understanding
<HEADER>|C|</HEADER> means it is for single occurance.
<BODY>|C means it has some more structure below BODY.
</BODY>|REPEAT with XXX as segment name means its a repeat node
I configured like below...and also I attached same files if you are unable to view.
Initially i faced many issues while configuring tables but later after that I resolved all those issues using below link.
Troubleshooting Information for EDI-XML Converters - Technology Troubleshooting Guide - SCN Wiki
Finally am able to test the flat file using B2B CockPit-->Plaint2XML Convertor.
Am able to parse HEADER part but later it is going to infinite loop in BODY and tried with all options in B2B_PLA_CTRL_MSG table and finally it is throwing HALF XML which is Invalid XML.
Sometimes JAVA Server is getting down in the process of testing and table is getting locked in NWA. Later am releasing locks from Admin and trying again same issue.
Kindly help me in configuring the below and testing above flat file.
This is the file structure in Datatype. Also attached XSD