Hi Experts
I am using scenario IDOC--PI--AS2.
I am getting below error in Comm Channel.
but it is successful in Message monitoring we are able to see this error in Audit log.
Information: Requested MDN Properties :
MDN Type : Sync ; Signed MDN : No; MIC Requested : No;
Information: received MDN (795 Bytes)
Information: received MDN (795 Bytes)
Information: MIC (0UG1zY0UcXj9YSal+S/UvBIClM4=) is calculated using SHA1
Information: CONTENT-TYPE of MDN is : multipart/report;
Information: MDN is NOT signed
Error: MDN with action-mode automatic-action, sending-mode
MDN-sent-automatically and disposition-type processed received
Error: MDN Disposition-modifier-extension is error:
could you please suggest