Hi - We use SAP PO 7.4 for A2A and are assessing for B2B. I am researching options on what the deployment architecture options are, suspect a PO cluster would reside in the Internal zone that performs majority of integration logic (maping/xform/orchestration...) for both A2A/B2B and components would reside in DMZ to secure the Trading Partner connections (verfiy certs/usernames/passwords, filter out attacks...), DMZ components would hand-off to internal PO after security checks verified. Suspect load balancer would be required also as we would would require HA.
Wondering if anyone can share any information on what components they use for B2B, what function they provide, where they are depoyed and why deployed there, or links that I can look through. (I have scanned various links but not clear to me right now how a Trading Partner would connect and where the security checking/load balancing/EDI mapping/orchestration.. performed)
We will be using typical B2B protocols and formats (AS2, sftp, EDIFACT, X12..).
Thanks in advance