Hey folks, I'm working on a PI requirement & stuck.I need you to help me cross the river............... Its PI dual stack,
1. NFS to FTPS scenario.
2. No mapping involved just pickup the ISO xml file from NFS path without deleting it from source, encrypt it & send it to FTPS path.
I have used PGP addon & it works great.
3. I need help with 2 requirements.
a. I need to pick up file without deleting it from source (Test mode) & avoid duplication.
For this I have gone through SCN , used duplicate file handling option but this does not suffice the requirement, this will not allow duplication but it still tries to read the message & throw errors in communication channel log.
I tried exclusion mask too, but it does not work, Is there anyway this can be done.
Probably exclusion mask that I'm using needs to be corrected.
for example the file naming convention is RACHPYMT0000, I'm using the
file name mask as : R*
Exclusion mask as : R*.downloaded
Also tried
File name mask as: R???????????
Exclusion mask as : R???????????.downloaded
b. I need to add a constant header to the xml file that comes into PI.
I'm using a java code & parameterized mapping to fetch the value & append to the xml file.
This only works in dual stack.
But we are planning to upgrade very soon to single stack.
Parameterized mapping is not supported in single stack PI 7.3.1 as far as I know, is there any alternative to this.