Dear experts,
I am getting lot of views like to read document /details/blogs ,though i could see few.
I am not getting answers to doubts i am having.I am trying to configure sender channel.
Scenario is : Partner sending a sale order file and i am going to decrypt using B2B addon AS2.
Then decode information to create a purchase order on my system.
What is my own AS2 name ?
I conclude give anything i like.I do not get any F4 help either for same which means config doesnot happen in PO.
I have no hint of what my AS2 name is.
Expected Url: I made my AS2 url public and gave this url
Also I could generate CSR request but import CSR response gives an error.I beleive the file obtained has to be first made verisigned
secure and then imported.Not sure about this too.Created private key and certificate.Is private key name called AS2 name?.But then will i tell same
to my partner ?
There is no end to end document for this.